Google Chrome making it easier to change login passwords on websites

Google Chrome Well Known Change Password

Google Chrome 87 enables support for the Well Known Change Password feature behind chrome://flags, Techtsp has noticed. Websites that use the ./well-known/change-password spec can make their change password forms discoverable in Chrome’s Password Manager.  Simply put, this will help Chrome users find a way to change their password.

Description of the Well Known Change Password in Google Chrome Canary reads:

“If enabled the 'change password' button in password checkup redirects to the .well-known/change-password path. The path is supposed to point to the password change form of the site. When the site doesn't support .well-known/change-password it is checked if a fallback url is available. Otherwise the user is redirected to the origin.”

Built-in password managers allow users to securely remember passwords for services they use frequently. This way, authentication on such sites becomes much easier. Google wants to make it easier for users to change their passwords via Chrome’s built-in Password Manager. This spec enables password managers to help users change their passwords on websites that support it.

Twitter has adopted the Well-Known URL spec for letting users change their account password. This flag enables support for ‘Well Known Change Password’ in Google Chrome for Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android.

How to enable the Well Known Change Password flag in Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome Canary
  2. Open chrome://flags
  3. Locate Well Known Change Password
  4. Set the flag to Enable immediately using the drop-down menu
  5. Relaunch Chrome

Over the next few days, we will explore ways to change passwords in Chrome, courtesy of the Well Known Change Password support. 

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