Google Chrome shipping more ways to invoke the Tab Search feature

Google Chrome engineers are currently developing a new Tab Search feature to let users find open tabs, windows, and tab groups. Chrome already has a new experimental flag in the works that enables the Tab Search feature in Top Chrome UI, allowing users to search over their currently opened tabs via a new popup bubble. According to some new developments discovered by Techtsp, Google is bringing more ways to invoke the Tab Search feature inside the Chrome browser.

Google already allows Chrome users to invoke the Tab Search feature using a shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+E. In addition to a keyboard shortcut, users can open the Tab Search UI via mouse click, keyboard navigation, and touch gesture, Techtsp has noticed a new Chromium commit confirming the on-going development around TabSearchOpenActions.

“Tab Search is a feature that allows users to better search for and switch to their desired tabs. The Tab Search UI is shown in a bubble anchored to an element of the UI in the browser window. The bubble can be invoked via a number of different means including mouse click, keyboard navigation, keyboard shortcut or touch gesture. This metric tracks the kind of action the user took to invoke the Tab Search bubble UI,” the summary reads.

How to enable the Tab Search feature flag in Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome Canary
  2. Open chrome://flags
  3. Locate Enable Tab Search 
  4. Set the flag to Enable immediately when a tab is hidden using the drop-down menu
  5. Relaunch Chrome

For now, the Tab Search feature is limited to ChromeOS.

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